Web Central Games - F.E.A.R. First Encounter Assault Recon

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Download FEAR

No need to install game. Unzip and copy FEAR folder to computer.
I like to keep things neat with a Games folder on my operating drive, where I keep all my games.
Open the FEAR folder and click on FEAR.exe file to play game.
You can create a shortcut for your desktop to make game start easier.
I have included the DirectX9 to install if needed.
Also included is the Cheat folder for install. I have not tried the cheats, so do so at your own risk.

F.E.A.R. is a graphically-intense first-person shooter for the PC.
It is famous for its high-end light and shadow effects
(including stencil shadows, which were quite new at the time of its release),
suspenseful game play, and supernatural combat-driven story. You play the role
of a marine with artificially enhanced reflexes sent in to contain an incident
in which an army of clone soldiers were stolen and taken control of by a renegade
psychic commander. However, this is not all there is to the story, and you will
have to play to find out just where events will take you. You are armed with a
wide range of weapons to dispatch your foes. You will need to keep your wits about you,
as F.E.A.R.'s enemy AI is famously intelligent. Enemies will find routes to flank and
surround you, something rarely, if ever, seen in FPS games prior to this title.
The only real downside to the game is that there are a handful of Doom-style "find the keycard"
missions and the range of enemies you encounter is quite limited. However, the intelligence of
your enemies will make the combat experiences engaging and suspenseful. I strongly recommend
this title to any FPS fan!